Quantitative Analysis Report
The Quantitative Analysis Report will start with providing in-depth statistical analysis and significant past trends in price. These will help to provide you with a generalized statistical outlook given the best currently available data. It will provide ranked returns (ie top and bottom performing days), a historical view of moving average and standard deviations of price, and historical return distributions. Additional analysis based on statistical metrics will also be provided, depending on past trends and the age of the cryptocurrency (for example, having been in more than just one bull/bear cycle).
Next, a Monte Carlo simulation will be run using 1000 paths and correlation matrices. These path will then provide an average path for the multitude of “random walk” price paths. This will demonstrate expected return for the cryptocurrency over a 90 day period. These are not guaranteed returns but rather a demonstration of the expected return over such a 90 day period.
Finally, this report will include a probability distribution for returns based on the bespoke stochastic analysis with 90 day simulations. This will help you understand probabilistic outcomes — including a test portfolio allocation scenario — for both a $1,000 investment as well as the final price of the cryptocurrency.
Taken in sum, this report will allow you sift away the noise and focus on significant behavior from the past and probabilistic outcomes of the future.
You receive a password-protected PDF report with all of the above provided, and report will be approximately 7-10 pages long containing the above information..
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